The function of the supermarket is to sell the products to the consumers. The intention of the consumers to buy the supermarkets is to purchase the items they need. The consumers who buy the products in the supermarkets have different conditions and have their own characteristics. The supermarket shelves are displayed in the supermarket. The function of the product, how to make the customer convenient and convenient to find the demanded products, while taking into account the characteristics of various consumers, and increase the sales of supermarkets, these are the places that supermarket managers need to consider.
How to display supermarket shelves?
1. Consistency, it is best for a store or supermarket chain to use a consistently shaped shelf to create a consistently harmonized shopping environment. The property is chain-type. The use of consistent shelves allows customers to have a deeper image of the brand.
2. Color, shelf is best to match the color of the product, the shelf and the product have obvious color.
3. Ample light, the layout of the shelves and the lighting, to ensure that customers can clearly distinguish the products, does not affect the product display, so that customers have a good shopping experience.
4. The channel is wide and there should be a wide aisle between the shelves. Considering the characteristics of the customers visiting the supermarket, at least two people must pass through, and the narrow passage will leave a bad image for the customer. Customer's shopping experience.
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